
Cindy Belk

Cindy Belk
#ID MT6928

Cindy Belk

Cindy holds a Bachelor's Degree in Child Development and a Master’s Degree in Education and has been a school teacher in Alternative High School Education for 23 years. Her struggle with Lyme disease inspired her to become a therapist as she has witnessed firsthand the benefits of applying alternative medicine to treat the symptoms of Lyme. 

She graduated from the Healing Hands School of Holistic Health in Laguna Niguel, California. Her massage specialty is Intentional Massage to promote overall healing and stress relief.

Cindy is also a licensed Holistic Health Practitioner. She is passionate about using alternative methods of healing particularly for those suffering from Lyme disease and for those in recovery from addiction. She specializes in aromatherapy, herbal studies and nutrition and is certified by The American Institute of Health Care Professionals to teach meditation. 

Tammy Belk
#ID MT7562

Tammy Belk

Tammy is passionate about bringing holistic health to the MidCoast community. She graduated from Downeast School of Massage Therapy in Waldoboro, Maine with a reputation as a strong, intuitive therapist. She is especially skilled in Pregnancy Massage, Intentional Massage, and Sports Massage. She incorporates her knowledge of Cranial Sacral into her routine practice.

Tammy appreciates the power of meditation and she focuses on mindfulness in her daily life. She is particularly interested in the mind-body relationship and how fueling our bodies with proper nutrition and positivity aids in total health. She feels strongly about the challenges of addiction and how holistic health supports recovery. She is excited to support others in their path towards optimal health.